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Switch Up Mindset

I recently felt like I was the worst artist in the world. I don't believe I am exaggerating when I write that. I really felt like I sucked beyond belief. This was a bad mindset. I recently read, "Gorilla Mindset" by Mike Cernovich. I also read Scott Adam's book, "How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big". Both of these men have had diverse careers. They also happen to be different. They have had different life experiences, but have a lot in common.

The main thing they both have in common (other than loving Trump) is mindset. They have both written at length about mindset. I have learned a lot from reading their writings. I can't go into everything they have to say on the matter. I wanted to write down some ideas I learned from them that have helped me. I hope some of these ideas help you, and you end up reading their books.

* Our mindset is the software to our bodily hardware. We can't navigate our bodies through the world if our mindset isn't operating well.

* Abundance mindset over scarcity mindset. Don't dwell on everything everybody else has. Look at yourself, and find everything you have going for yourself. Don't be a victim. Everybody has positive attributes. Find yours.

* Don't surround yourself with five losers. The people you hang out with the most will help to determine what kind of being you end up. Success breeds success, and failure breeds failure. Surround yourself with energetic positive folk. Don't surround yourself with mental amoebas. There was a reason Picasso, Matisse, and Modigliani were all boys.

* Be physical. The mind benefits greatly from exercise. The wonderful side effect is you end up looking better, and this builds confidence which feeds mindset.

* Always be willing to learn. Read as much as you can, and from points of view you don't care for.

These men have given me a lot of food for thought. They don't know me, but I feel like I know them. We all need guidance. It's hard to come by sometimes. I often feel like I have no mentors, but that is a scarcity mindset. I just changed my mindset right now as I'm writing this. I have mentors. I may not personally know them, but they have influenced me to keep going. I hope you too are influenced to have strong mindset.



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