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Communism Kills

It is safe to say that Communism is bad for people. Just like smoking, there should be public service announcements about this tyrannical form of government. When we look at even only a few Communist countries throughout history we get a sense of how this hurts people. China, Cuba, Russia and North Korea have not been good for their people.

Stalinist Russia was responsible for killing 60 million of its people (and that’s a conservative estimate). Read Gulag Archipelago if you need some reference material. Fidel Castro is responsible for killing around 40,000 to 50,000 people. Cuba is a tiny country so those numbers are alarming. Mao killed 78 million! These aren’t outliers in a totalitarian regime. This is what happens when the state becomes all-powerful. Saddam Hussein’s Ba’athist party was socialist. Hussein killed upwards of 180,000 Kurdish Iraqis. That’s just the figure for the Kurds.

Hitler was the leader of the socialist party. He was responsible for the death of 6 million Jews. The histories of these forms of government are revealing. It seems like only the Scandinavian countries have done well for themselves with socialism up to a point. Arguments have been made that the free market got them to a place of wealth before the growth of the state. Socialism is a probable reason why their growth has stopped. Obviously, their open door policy has brought them problems that they in the government did not foresee.

I would like to point out the horrors of Venezuela right now. I know Sean Penn and Danny Glover think it’s super cool over there; It’s not. Venezuela is a country of horrors. It seems like CNN doesn’t care to cover it much. I have personal experience with the Venezuelans. I dated one in Miami (and her parents talked often of the unrest), and worked for one (after the government appropriated his business).

If we learn our history we see that the state mustn’t get too powerful.

It’s fascinating to see people walking around talking about the joys of these systems. There’s a reason everyone wants to come to America. It isn’t just for the blue jeans.

America isn’t perfect. No country is. It’s about as free as it gets though at the moment. I’m all about the stars and stripes. I’m not about the hammer and sickle. In fact, I wish folks would stop walking around with it on their t-shirts and caps. It isn’t cool to walk around with a swastika, and it shouldn’t be cool to walk around with the hammer and sickle either.

I will post a few link to videos below that discuss these matters at length. The public education system is failing its citizens. It’s not teaching us truth. It’s disseminating Frankfurt school ideology. I’m not the brightest crayon in the box, but I notice this trend. I see a huge gap in the older generation and the younger. I don’t think the older folks are smarter just because they’re old. It feels like they had a different education. I hope we bring back the knowledge. Let’s hit those books or otherwise the state will hit us where it counts (with our liberties)!

Jordan Peterson - video

Yaron Brook - video

Douglas Murray - video


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