Coffee is an ancient food. Man has used it since Fred Flinstone had to wake up, and peddle his loincloth-clad butt to work. Coffee is the number one source of antioxidants in the U.S. (according to Medical News Today). Studies have found that coffee fights against liver disease, heart disease and Parkinson’s disease.
Coffee is my secret weapon. It has all of these benefits, but it has yet another. It is a stimulant. I train hard, read hard and put the pedal to the metal. My body slows down after vigorous exercise. My brain also gets foggy. I find it difficult to concentrate when I am too tired. Frankly, it’s hard for me to concentrate in general (it might be ADD… is that a bird outside my window?). I rely on coffee to help me get everything done. Adderall is fantastic and dangerous. I took half a tablet once at work in order to achieve godlike abilities. I was tending bar, and covering the whole domain. Nothing rattled me. I manifested drinks in an instant like Jesus turning water into wine. Then, I realized this was a wonder drug. I could be all-powerful at all times if I took this tablet… then, I realized that it was a slippery slope indeed. There’s always a catch. Adderall has been linked to a slew of side effects. None of these side effects is desirable. The payoff isn’t worth it. Coffee gives to you, and doesn’t taketh away. It’s a holy bean, and blessed by the almighty or so the voice in my head tells me.
Coffee is your go-to. It is the real deal. If you want to crank it up a notch then chug the black ambrosia. Salute your ancestors with every sip, and connect to the ancients with this transcendent beverage. My folks always had a pot ready in the morning as I grew up. I didn’t understand the adult ritual until I too entered the realm of adulthood. We have a lot to balance in this life. We need to complete many tasks. Some of our efforts manifest in a day, and others take years or even decades to manifest. We have to balance family, friends, work and dreams. It’s a lot for any one person to get after. Coffee is an ally in the battle of life.
I’ve discussed mindset before on this blog. Coffee acts as a mood elevator, and this in turn charges the mind. There is a yogic tradition of food meditation. I can’t think of a better thinking man’s beverage than coffee. Coffee houses were where the beatniks, artists, writers and musicians would all come to throughout time. Like-minded people drink alike.
So, drink it up my friends. Life is a fearsome thing to tackle alone. Pour yourself a cup of the elixir of life. I’m having one right now. In fact, this blog piece would have been so much better if you had a cup too.