I recently came upon a post by a yoga girl on Instagram. She was posing in tight spandex with her cleavage in full range. I liked the picture, but did not like the writing below.
I will not name her, because it is not essential for this piece. Also, I don’t care to get into an argument over social media. It’s a waste of time.
I will try to encapsulate her thoughts. She was talking about how men work on a 24-hour cycle. Women have a monthly cycle referring to the menstrual cycle. I don’t know if men do indeed have a 24-hour cycle. Don’t men and women both share that? We wake up, do things and then go to bed. We do this every 24 hours. Men do not have a menstrual cycle so there is that difference.
She made a statement about how we need to have more understanding about women’s cycles. I don’t think she inferred women should understand it too. I believe she meant that men are insensitive to it, and we (men) need to get it.
I think that is all well and good. Men can’t empathize with women’s menstrual cycles. We can sympathize, and be more supportive. Sure, I’ll go for that.
The comments she wrote out below her scantily clad photo then turned south. She began to complain about men, albeit indirectly. Her argument was encapsulated in this quote by her, “In a world that has been largely structured by masculine ideologies, our cyclical natures are not publicly encouraged, and even worse, many people are not well equipped to understand this cyclical nature and all too often label women as crazy, hysterical, or dramatic.”
First, does she mean that we should publicly parade every time a woman has her period? I don’t think we celebrate much of any human biological function. It just is. Next time I take a dump I want a huge parade with tickertape, and floats.
Second, what ideologies are masculine? I understand that she isn’t writing a thesis paper on Instagram, but I am at a loss. I don’t understand what she meant or what she’s referring to. Does she mean war? Is war the invention of masculine man? Men have more testosterone, and are more apt to commit violent acts. I get part of what she’s saying. I think she begins to delve into murky water. Men commit violence and engage in war to aquire resources, and build their status. This is done in some part to secure a desirable female. Women are drawn to men with money, strength, power and status. So, are we all complicit? Are women dainty Victorian powerless beings that can’t contend with men? That has not been my experience?
Third, she purports to know that we are not well equipped to understand this “cyclical nature”. I might argue that we do understand it. Women can empathize with each other. So, they mostly must be well equipped. All men have mothers. Some have sisters, lady friends, daughters or wives. So, I’m guessing it isn’t a total mystery. Men and women have evolved over our millions of years together. We’re a sexually dimorphic species. We’re in this thing together. We all have an understanding of this biological function to varying degrees.
I then go to the photo of her, which reveals cleavage, and presents her attractive form to the world. She operates by the same rules we all operate by. We all respond to our libidinal drives, need for resources, mortality and opportunity. She is showcasing her virility and status. We’re all selling something.
I reflect on my own obsession with social media. I have taken it to the next rung of Hell. I have this here blog. May the lord have mercy on my soul, and those who read it… I post shirtless workout videos, talk about politics (which nobody wants to hear), and unintentionally demonstrate a lifestyle that isn’t real. I work for a living. I’m not always winning gold, getting that good money, making great cartoons or funny stories. Mostly, I’m battling every day. It isn’t glamorous. Do I ever post me picking my nose, or scratching my butt? No, I do not. Maybe, I should though. Maybe we all should. Maybe we should all say, “To Hell with glamour”!
We are all selling glamour to each other. We’re selling the idealized self. We all have a newfound understanding of branding. We have a lot of say in whom we become. We play this out on social media now for strangers to see.
I think this lady’s heart is in the right place. It seems as though her head has taken a back seat. I only use her post, which was done in haste, as inspiration. I also look at it, and immediately cringe at my own posts. I can only hope that I am getting it. I can only surmise that I’m gathering the necessary information to make accurate conclusions.
It is unnerving that this young lady doesn’t seem to understand her own confusion. I don’t know what she reads, listens to or consumes through the Internet. I only hope that I may not be as stupid as I was yesterday. So, next time you see a stupid post from me, don’t buy it. I’m selling things too. If it’s stupid keep on walking, and seek out something better to consume. Namaste, you bastards.