My mind has been blown. Kanye West retweeted a video by Scott Adams. In this video Adams was breaking down how West was winning (dragon energy). This is more Meta than the time Macaulay Culkin wore a t-shirt with an image of Ryan Gosling wearing a t-shirt of Culkin’s face on it. I feel like I’m winning right now. I also feel like the space-time continuum is breaking down. How is it all the things that I hold dear are colliding?
I’ve been reading Scott Adams in comic form and in book/blog form for a while now. I’ve always loved Kanye’s sound. I remember being impressed by Kanye when he put George Condo’s work on his album. George Condo is a brilliant artist, but was not in pop culture. His work lived in the galleries, and museums. It wasn’t seen by the masses until Kanye West put his work out there. Scott Adams is well known, but still isn’t as big as Kanye. Kanye is known to all, especially now.
Kanye got into a lot of trouble recently over the fact that he tweeted his admiration of the president. Now, I know many of you out there disagree with President Trump. I hear you, and respect your opinion. I loved what Kanye did, because it was above politics. It was a paradigm shift. He was trying to break away from the status quo. He was lambasted for dawning a MAGA hat. It wasn’t about agreeing with everything the president had to say. It was about allowing black Americans to think/feel differently. Kanye was conveying the idea that we are not our demographics. We are all individuals. We do not think, feel, speak and vote the same way solely according to our background.
Kanye is fearless. I admire him. Scott Adams is fearless, and I admire him too. Scott Adams is a friend of Mike Cernovich. Cernovich’s book on mindset changed my life. These men are fearless, and will not stop. They also have something else in common. The mainstream media pillories them to no end. You won’t see an honest depiction of these men. If you read their words, and listen to them speak you will get them. Mike Cernovich and Scott Adams have both been written up as Alt Right. They have no association with those groups whatsoever. Kanye was reduced to a brainwashed fool who was stuck in the “sunken place”.
If you speak out they will squash you. You will not deal with a fair media. They will drag your name through the mud, and make an example of you. West, Adams and Cernovich don’t scare easy. They all have that dragon energy. You may disagree with him, but Trump has it too.
I don’t agree with everything these may say or do. They do inspire me though to have courage. Life is too short to go through it without saying what you mean. Obviously, there are times when I shut my mouth. You need to pick your battles. You can’t be in opposition at all moments. You won’t be able to move forward.
I feel that there is such a thing as the force. Yes, I am referencing the movie, “Star Wars”. There is a life energy that binds us. It surrounds us, and Kanye calls it “dragon energy”. There is something happening, and has happened before in times past (maybe even in galaxies far far away). There is an energy surging now. More people are waking up to it. You can call it the force, dragon energy or anything you like. This is a new leap for the culture. You have Kanye, Adams, Cernovich and Condo all colliding on this blue marble. It’s like a ripple in the space-time continuum or maybe it’s just the surging of beautiful uncontainable dragon energy.