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It's in a Book!

What makes humans special? How are we made in the image of God? I believe it’s the ability to create and manifest thought. What special abilities allow us to focus our ideas and manifest them? I think language; spoken and written are key tools. Literacy and a command of language are what have helped to put us at the top of the food chain.

Human beings are ugly bags of mostly water. We are no match for bears, tigers or much else. If you faced a bear with your bare hands then no amount of Jiu-Jitsu would save you. If you challenged that bear to a game of chess he’d lose… and still tear your head off your body.

Language skills need to be cultivated at a young age. Children’s brains are made to absorb information like a sponge. Obviously, not all children have the same capacities for learning. I was slow to read, and needed extra help. Later in life I was a lousy student. My parents were worried what my future might look like. They achieved a lot academically, and couldn’t figure out how I’d carve a path. I couldn’t either. I loved comic books. My dad passed some Robert Heinlein my way, and I surprisingly read it. Stranger in a Strange Land still holds a place in my psyche. Do you grok me? Reading still wasn’t something I enjoyed as a whole, but I grew to love it. It’s about finding what we are interested in. Then we will have the impetus to read. You won’t read Kano if you aren’t interested in martial arts.

I’ve read studies that talk about the difference between boys and girls. Boys are currently falling behind in school, and it’s not based on intelligence. Boys tend to gravitate to non-fiction, and girls tend to gravitate to fiction. Boys are also seen to be rambunctious, and in need of medication overwhelmingly over girls. One size does not fit all. The school system teaches one way, with standardized tests, over-packed classrooms and stressed out teachers. It ain’t easy being a kid.

My dad told me that he was worried about me growing up. He didn’t know what I was going to do. I wasn’t academically inclined. I wasn’t much of a reader. I sure drew a lot. So, we ran with it, and here I am today! He was surprised when I talked to him on the phone during my first semester at New World School of the Arts (Miami). I was perusing Scientific American, and he was astounded that I was reading. I guess I was too. I started cultivating the practice. It’s not unlike the practice of drawing, martial arts or strength and conditioning. It’s a practice. It takes effort. It takes discipline. We can do well to focus on the things we love. Sometimes, it’s important to stretch and expand.

I have learned more on my own than I ever learned in classrooms. No teacher has ever taught me more than I’ve taught myself. You need to seek out knowledge for yourself. You are really the one who is creating your own curriculum. I guess I hung out with too many punks in my youth, but education is really D.I.Y. Nobody can pump information into your skull Matrix style. You may need a degree for professional endeavors, but the pursuit of knowledge cannot be reduced to a roll of paper. I’ve known many academics in my day that are plain stupid. I’ve known many blue-collar types that are brilliant. What goes on between our ears, and in our hearts cannot be taught. Only we can walk the path, read the books, do the wrestling or make the drawings. I wish you all well on your path to being smarter than your average bear. Oh, and by the way, that’s why we have guns. Don’t fight the bear with your bare hands. Shoot the son of a bitch (with guns that we invented with our brains)!


© 2017 Zach Danesh

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