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Mind Meld with the Leftists

Hi, folks. I’ve been trying to mind-meld with the leftists. I want to understand this phenomenon. So, I went through a spirit ritual where I took on the ideology of this collective. I felt like I grasped a lot of what they are about. I will elaborate on this thought process below…

The world is not fair; we can decide how to change that. We can systematically and societally reengineer everything. We need to bring down the patriarchy. Men rule the world, and women are weak (they need to seize power). We don’t even believe in gender so maybe “men” aren’t an oppressor class… but they are, and men and women are equal. Men only exist when they are oppressors. Everybody may not agree with it, but they are wrong. We can bring about change, because we are right. We know that inequality is based on oppression. The only way that we are not equal is that some people oppress, and others do not. Everybody is the same and equal. Nobody is better than anybody else, so we should all be doctors. Well, maybe some of us have trouble learning. We’re still equal though so we should all be paid as much as doctors no matter what job we do. We should not reward privilege. People who study a lot, and hit those books have “hard work” privilege. They need to check that privilege, and read less. I have trouble reading so they should read less than me. People should only speak according to their physical appearance. We discern whom has a right to speech based on their skin color, gender, religious affiliation and sexual orientation. Obviously, white Christian males should hardly speak. They are allowed to make benign statements like, “I like apples, and I’m an imbecile.” Other than that, they shouldn’t speak. I am all about anti-establishment, but I want a big state that redistributes all of the resources at the point of a gun. I also hate the second amendment, but have no problem with the state using force, except for when cops do it. Campuses should be places of complex dialogue unless you oppose anything I mentioned above. If you disagree with anything I’ve stated then you are a hate monger. You will not be allowed to speak, also see the rule about white Christian males. It may be hard to give a talk on a campus, if all you can say is, “I like apples, and I’m an imbecile.” Be creative though, and come up with something compelling. We cannot rest until every gender is recognized. By my last count there are 10,293 genders. That’s a lot of new bathrooms we need constructed so let’s get on that. Gender is an illusion though, so maybe there’s only one gender, and we only need one bathroom. We’re all the same exact single celled amoeba so maybe one toilet to defecate in is enough. I know all about every topic there is, and I am the perfect person to recreate reality. That’s what this is about. I have all of the answers. I will prescribe what you are allowed to say, do, not do and where you can or cannot do it. I will need to use force to do this, but that’s okay because I’m oppressed. So, it’s either my way or the highway. You’ve been driving this car for too long. I’m taking the wheel Thelma and Louise style! So buckle up, and enjoy the ride. I will recreate the world in my image.

Man, that was fun! I totally get it now. It’s amazingly freeing to be completely free of consistency. I can seize power, and then redistribute these liberties as I see fit. Anything that differs from these ideas is a crime. I have absolute power! There’s no way this can corrupt absolutely. Whoever is oppressed will have more power based on their demographics. We redistribute influence based on identity, and not ideas. I love it! Yes, I mind-melded with the leftists, and found that this game is so much fun! If you can’t beat them then join them. Identity is a construct. I may visually be a white male, but I identify as the bottom of the heap. I’m the most oppressed being in the cosmos so I will inherit all of the power. I totally get it now. Sign me up. I’m ready to take my seat. I know what’s best for everybody. Trust me, and we'll have a beautiful utopia!


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