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Fat Deer

First they came for the far right, and I did not speak out,

Because I’m not far right.

Then they came for the comedians, and I did not speak out

Because I’m not that funny.

Then they came for Alex Jones, and I did not speak out

Because I’m not the creator of InfoWars.

But if I don’t speak out now…

They will come for me, and nobody will be left to speak for me (not even me).

If you aren’t even mildly perturbed by the removal of Alex Jones from the Internet then you need to wake up from your deep slumber. We needn’t agree or even like Alex Jones to have an aversion to this radical action. This is not about Alex Jones. This is really about elites censoring opposing viewpoints. It wasn’t the government who removed him from these platforms. Apple, Facebook and Google (private entities) banned Alex Jones and InfoWars from producing content. Now, this is not a violation of his rights. Private entities have the power, under the first amendment, to ban/remove/terminate people for speech incongruent with their policy. The first amendment protects our speech from the government, and only then do we have recourse. I am not saying private entities should be forced to go against their policy; rather, it would behoove them to keep opposing viewpoints around. I supported the Supreme Court in their decision over Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Now, if you read my post on this you’ll understand why. I agreed that a private entity should not be forcedto engage in a practice that goes against their first amendment rights. It’s a fine line we’re walking with protecting all people’s rights. The Constitution is a document that grants us all the same rights. It’s a document intended to be a great equalizer in that it creates rules for a fairer playing field. Our forefathers used this document to establish the freest society in the world. Sometimes, we don’t agree with a point of view, but we cannot use government force to instill values. Government cannot coerce people to change what’s in their hearts. It never works. That’s not the role of our government. Our constitutional republic was created to reduce the power of the government over the people. Our freedom of speech is an indelible part of our American way of life. We have an expansive amount of room to say what we want punishment free. We Americans have been blessed to live in America.

We must understand that there is a culture war occurring. CNN is continuing in their downward spiral of ratings. This is what is really going on. Mainstream media is predominantly left. There are many reasons for this; we have to understand the history of the Frankfurt school to begin this inquiry. We see the elite left are attempting to do away with competition. They cannot compete in the ever-growing marketplace of ideas and infrastructure. Alex Jones was growing InfoWars by leaps and bounds; conversely, papers like New York Times have taken big hits. The box office numbers for Hollywood have dropped dramatically as well. The leftist media is attempting to squash their competition before they become obsolete. It’s natural to want to use the brute force of censorship in order to quell their dying stranglehold.

They make big errors in their censorship. This denies them the chance to be better than they are. When they remove an entity like InfoWars they don’t have a need to improve themselves. If deer don’t have natural predators around then they get fat, sick and die. The world is a place of competition. When we go against this objective truth we are picking a fight way above our pay-grade. We do not get to rewrite the rules of life. When we try to do this through force we doom ourselves in the process. Imagine if you would, a person trying to punch you in the head. They are trying to doyou harm. You can say that you are not in a fight, but objective reality begs to differ. You are, in fact, in a fight. Alex Jones was beginning to bring the fight to mainstream media. They decided not to improve, and become better in the marketplace. They are unwilling to change. Instead, they use force to remove the competitor from the free market.

It sucks to lose. I should know; I’ve lost a lot. I haven’t learned too much from winning though. My competitors in art, writing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu have forced me to improve. I need to keep expanding, changing and growing to become the best possible version of myself. I can only do this if I see where my weak points are. My weak points are revealed in competition. We need to be willing to lose in order to succeed. That’s why I said, “it would behoove them to keep opposing viewpoints around.” Their competitors will make them stronger. When they remove their opposition we all lose. They will become the fat sick deer that die in the muck. If they really want to blow Alex Jones out of the water then they need to fight, and not run away. We may not like the rules set down for us, but we don’t have the power to recreate objective reality.


© 2017 Zach Danesh

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