It becomes more apparent everyday that the mainstream culture is breaking down traditional values. Now, some of this progress can be good. Civil Rights were progress. Further amendments were progress. Technology is progress. Is there a tipping point where we go beyond progress, and begin to break down what is good and true.
I've lost many friends who live in the leftist ideology that I too at one time subscribed to. I've talked about how my awakening, and or "red pill" moment, came as a result of living in New York City. My friend, John, and I would red the New York Times everyday over coffee and oatmeal. We'd discuss the articles at length. It became stranger and stranger as the months went on. Within a couple of years we saw a reversal. It became all too apparent that everything that was once traditional was to be destroyed. We would see that the state of man was to be feminized; the reverse was true as well, where women were to become masculinized. Now, I hear what you may be protesting. Sure, gender roles are antiquated to some degree. We don't live in the hunter gatherer tribes anymore. The family unit is still how the species continues on though. We are not automatons emerging from the ground ready to serve. We from our tribes, nuclear families, so that we may prosper. America was a built on the strength of family. A man and a woman would mate, stay together and form the cornerstone of civilization. There were very different roles even in a developing world. Women and men were different, and that hasn't magically changed. We are a sexually dimorphic species; men cannot breastfeed their offspring. Women have that role. Women are better suited to care for said infant. We see that we cannot abolish all the rules of being. It goes beyond fashion. I am not protesting women wearing trousers or men learning to cook. I merely want to demonstrate that we cannot break down all that got us here. We can't reinvent our biology. It may happen one day, but at the moment we are at the will of things greater than our comprehension.
We survived predators, plagues, volcanos and the Earth freezing over. Maybe, it's gotten so comfortable. We don't know what it was to hunt down an antelope for three days and drag it back home. We don't remember what it was to fight off predators, or make sure crops didn't die. The standard of living has improved drastically all over the world. In America we have a decline in hunger. The infant mortality rate has dropped... well, now we have abortion up to 9 months in New York City (so, it depends on your definition of an infant). Thus that may put a dent in the stat.
We are told a lot of nonsense. Mainstream media has us believing what it wants. What does it want? Media is beholden to companies, and these companies are beholden to shareholders who profit off the earnings. So, media acts as a means to bring us to the advertisers. Mankind has not evolved much past its' cave-dwelling days. We would all gather around the glow of the fire, as a unit. We would tell stories to elevate the group. Now, the glow of our screens separate us, and break us down as a unit. We become the mindless automatons they want. Our values have been hijacked by the power of the luminous glow. I know, I'm either preaching to the choir or being scoffed at by people asleep at the wheel.
If you read this, and disagree with me then I ask you this question: What is your sole purpose as a human being? You may have notions that go into some kind of realizing dreams trope. That's all well and good, but I believe it is far simpler. Our sole purpose is to procreate. Now, I'm not bringing the bible into this. I mean it in a secular way. Our goal as a living entity is to replicate. So, how do we do that? We have sex. Yes, we have sex, but to an end. We make children. We make children, and raise those children. How do we raise the children. We raise them with values. What is valuable? Value comes from our humble beginnings. Like I mentioned above, we survived impossible odds. So, we would be foolish to throw the baby out with the bathwater... actually, I think they are going to be doing that right now in New York!
I used to be a raging leftist. I'm actually very much a centrist now. If you still disagree with everything I've said then I couldn't help you. I hope I even nudged you over a bit to the Clinton era Democrats who used to live somewhere on the center. I have a feeling that we will get back on the rails. I just hope that we can start forming stronger tribes again. Maybe hard times, will make hard men, and hard men will make good times once again, but I can't know for sure. Is it darkest yet? Time will reveal how deep down the abyss we go. I know we have a chance to take back the power, and sacrifice in order to create a better future.