I recently met up with a friend for dinner. Friendship means not having to be too careful with wording. In the public sphere we need to be careful, especially nowadays. My friend knows that I'm not a liberal, and tolerates my opposing views. We were drinking, and I wanted to discuss women. It's quite natural for my mind to veer towards women as a subject when I've been drinking. I've been thinking a lot about men and women's dynamics recently. There is a gender war playing out in the culture, but there always has been in some way. Ernest Hemingway wrote a lot about it, and we've seen it in folklore; didn't Hercules kill his whole family? Maybe she didn't get his dried figs and wine ready in time (not that I'm condoning a demigod slaughtering his whole household). Mankind hasn't changed too much since our cave dwelling days, but technology has radically changed the world.
I've been thinking about how men and women serve each other. Traditionally men brought home resources in order for the women to nurture their offspring. You wanted to have as many kids as possible, because half of them wouldn't make it to adulthood. Kids didn't go to school. They helped out on the family farm. The family was the building block of a healthy society. Now, families are shrinking. We're making less kids. Millennials are having less sex than their parents, and men have less testosterone than their fathers. Only 33% of Millennials are married, and Millennials are in huge debt (mostly from academia who've robbed these poor bastards blind). Men look to women for sex, but men look for something else from a wife.
So, I told my friend the things I've been thinking in a simple phrase: Women don't want to serve men anymore. I do stand by that phrasing, but I may not belt it out in the town square. It's not politically correct. I don't mean that men shouldn't serve women either. I'm a man though, and from my perspective it's simple. Women (generally speaking) currently think being pregnant is gross. My married friend, Lexi, says she gets shamed by her girlfriends for being a stay at home mom. Most women don't seem to have cooking skills or know how to clean. I know how to do both. I don't need a women to do these things, but if I decide to build a family then I'll be looking for a team player.
I posted a drawing I made of a women taking a nude selfie. The thought bubble indicates her inner dialogue thinking about love, but deep down craving the lust of multitudes of men. My ex told me that the struggle is all too real when she saw the cartoon. I don't think I really got it until she confirmed it, and it gave me even more food for thought. Men and women are struggling, and that means we won't be building families; if we don't have families then we're going to be in bigger trouble. A healthy society works from the bottom up. The ruling classes don't care about strong families. They want women and men both working in order to both pay income taxes, spend more and rely even more on the structures of government.
Men used to be able to support a family of three on minimum wage. Now, it seems like we need two incomes. We don't depending on how smart we are in our spending habits. So, for the three people who read this and hated what I wrote... Good for you. I congratulate on reading the ramblings of white cis male trying to make sense of the world. So, when I see you in mixed company I'll change my wording. I'll say, "Men and women don't want to serve the family anymore." Yes, that wording is nicer (because it's inclusive and not as problematic). The truth is though that the real wording I believe is the original statement: Women don't want to serve men anymore. So, the family won't be served, and there goes the great union...