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Equal Vote

Sometimes I feel like I am too accommodating, because I feel like I don’t get the same benefit. So, why extend myself to people who just write me off? It seems like a waste of energy to appease them. I know we, the white straight male, don’t get any sympathy. We are seen as the oppressor class simply based upon this vague demographic. This demographic is multifaceted though. It doesn’t matter if you are Jewish, Christian, tall, short, educated, rich or poor. The white straight male is seen as lesser, because whites happened to colonize much of the world. When we go down this line of ideology we ignore that all humans regardless of demographic engage in evil. Black enslaved blacks in Africa well before the Arab slave traders ever set foot on the continent. Remember Lorena Bobbitt cutting off her husband’s penis? Yeah, that’s correct, ladies (you’re also more apt to murder your offspring than men). The Japanese butchered thousands of Chinese in the rape of Nanjing. Shiites murder Sunnis and vice versa. There’s plenty of dirty laundry to go around. White males are seen as privileged, because we built the western world. We created the most egalitarian society the world has ever known (in Sweden).

I hate to play into these identity politics. The whole point of this piece is that I wish we could stop this silly game. This game only keeps rolling along, because there are rewards for the “oppressed.” I’m not implying that white straight males are oppressed. If you watch CNN or read mostly any newspaper the sentiment is that white straight men aren’t allowed the same say in much of anything. So, that is what I oppose. I won’t be silenced due to my melanin content, sexual orientation and gender. Queer brown women don’t get more of a vote than us. We all get the same vote. We all have the same first amendment. The bill of rights is for all of us. I was annoyed when I saw the LGBTQ flag hung with the American Flag at the post office last year. The LGBTQ don’t get extra rights. The stars and stripes are for all of us as equals. Nobody gets more say than anybody else. How someone uses their genitals doesn’t signify their virtue or declare more freedom of speech.

I was at work recently, and had a chat with a colleague. I consider him to be a friend. He happens to be gay and black. We were chatting about movies, and I mentioned that Hollywood is far too heavy handed. He took that as a signifier of me being a conservative. He retorted with the common sentiment that I, being a Caucasian straight male, shouldn’t be allowed the same say. I understood his point of view, and politely disagreed. I disagreed with his idea, and not his identity. He disagreed with my identity first, and wouldn’t hear what I had to say. We are friends though, and have talked about all sorts of things. We even talked about Jesus over beers. So, he corrected himself and opened up to me explaining my line of thought. He understood where I was coming from, and didn’t agree with all of it. I was elated to have this conversation with my friend, and felt it brought us closer. I didn’t need him to agree with everything I had to say. I just needed him to not dismiss me based upon my identity.

I know my friend took the time to listen to me, because I’ve been open to his ideas. I commonly hear coworkers make disparaging comments about the president. They wouldn’t imagine that anyone around might like some of his policies. I know I need to zip it at work, but my coworkers can say whatever leftist comments they like. They can play identity politics. They get those privileges. We, the white straight male, don’t get the same accommodation. It’s so much easier to fight with someone when they can’t fight back I guess. I believe in true equality, meritocracy and epistemology. I’m kind of tired of having to extend myself; I rarely ever have anyone take the same time to hear me. The common sentiment in mainstream media is that I’m a privileged white male. That means that my ideas should not even be heard. It doesn’t matter if I’m rich or poor. It doesn’t matter if I work hard or not. It doesn’t matter if I take the time to read the Huffington Post. It’s easier to write me off than to grapple with my ideas.

I’ve learned one thing; it is important to be the change you want to see. Did I mention that I voted for Barrack Obama twice? I now regret that I did.

This game is never-ending. Someone or some group needs to lead by example. I’ll tell you which group needs to ascend and show the world how to be better. It’s white straight men! Just kidding, you suckers. I know you thought that’s where I was going. No, I’ll tell you what group needs to rise up and lead: ADULTS! We need people regardless of their demographic makeup to be leaders, and lead by example. So, I am tired of being accommodating, especially with childish people. I know it’s the only way to change people’s bad ideas. Be the change you want to see.


© 2017 Zach Danesh

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