Life is too short not to get to the damn point. I find that in my life I teeter between diplomacy and conviction; it's probably because I'm a middle child, and always felt a need to appease. I'm not a child anymore though, and I need to put away childish things like appeasement. That doesn't mean I should do a 180 either. Nobody will listen to a raving madman on a street corner, but they might listen to civilized men. I've found that most of my dealings with folks holding liberal points of view have no problem just having out with it. I admire it, but it isn't courageous of them. They get license to do so by the people. I find that folks like me (libertarian minded) walk a tightrope. I'm into fairness, and it isn't fair that some folks can blurt their stupid opinions out without fear of reprisal, and others need to brace for impact at the slightest transgression. I see the standard set of rules today. I also realize that it's the culture makers who created this new set of etiquette. Remember, modern television banned the seven dirty words. Now, the techno oligarchs remove any voices that they deem wrong. The rules are set, but we can change them. I still think we should all, despite which side we fall on, handle ourselves like civilized men; we have enough raging lunatics in the blogosphere.
So, if you think differently then please have at it; speak your truth... btw I hate that term. There is only objective truth, and then there is taste. You get what I'm saying though. We can all agree on the rule set together. It shouldn't be from the top bottom. Also, that's why I'm Libertarian in nature. I don't want a mommy and daddy around into my adulthood. I want the government, the establishment and institutions to fuck off. I don't want all the rules to be set by the supreme powers of the state. I learned from the leftists I see on the daily. They have no issue shitting on whatever they like to. I believe in equality. I believe we need to make things more fair. How do we do that? I said it at the top; life is too short not to get to the damn point. I make no apologies for not going along with it. Men, please come out from your rooms. Speak up; we all get a say in this culture. I know the culture isn't fair to difference of opinions, but it won't get easier if we shut up. Don't be led down the road to 1984. Don't shut up; life's too short to not say anything...