I've been thinking about the futility of identity politics. It plays out all across the US, and in every group you could name. That's something that unites all humanity; we are compelled towards finding homeostasis. We want comfort. We don't enjoy suffering, that's what suffering is all about. I understand that now there is equity in victimhood. People can get special priviledges based upon their group. People even get scholarships for belonging to a group. Now, men have MRA (Men's Rights Activist) groups to fight for their welfare. I'm all about guys getting together to bond and help each other out; I'm not about playing into the stupid game. I know I can fall into the trap. I'm no different. It's too easy to go towards comfort. We're designed to seek it out. There is comfort in proclaiming victimhood; You hope to win people's sympathies, and not earn their respect.
The other thing I hate about the desire to proclaim victimhood is that it's a game with no end. It's like a game of soccer where there is no time limit or the rules change with the wind. There is no point to playing this game where nobody can win; in fact, we all lose. We win when we earn our points. We win based on having a common sense of the rules. Winning is only worth a damn if we won based on hard work and spirit.
This is also why I hate a nanny state. I don't believe people benefit with a collectivist mindset. This is yet another manipulation of the identity politics game. We get confused, and elect the state to solve all of our problems. The fact is that the state is not innovative. It isn't designed to be innovative so it doesn't fail in that way. The state is there to be a framework where private industry can compete.
Competition is an ugly part of life, but that's the planet. That's how all of this works. This is how the deer population gets put in check, and how the wolves don't become too many congruently. There is a great game being played every second of every day. When we tamper with the rules and fake fouls the game ends up sucking. I'm doing my best to not call foul, but I need to point out when the ruleset is being changed to do away with merit.
I want to see clean sport, clean politics and clear minds. Alas, there's a lot to gain from claiming victimhood (no matter who you are).