I am of the belief that we decide much of our life. Sure, nature is strong, nurture is just as strong, but there's a little piece left for us. That piece may be our soul, our unique DNA, or even possibly God manifest. You are what you eat; we know that, because if we live off Oreos then we become fat. We are what we read, and that's evident in our thought patterns. We are who we surround ourselves with. Have you ever had friends that are nay-sayers? It becomes a real shitty time with those people around.
These are the three things we can choose to take the reins of. It all comes down to our diet, literally and figuratively. I may have to do what the bosses say when I'm at work, and I may have to be polite in public, but I get to do what I want in my own life.
This is where this short piece is going. We live in CLOWN WORLD now. I'll keep it short and sweet. I won't crap on Elizabeth Warren specifically, or those of her party. I do want to talk about the idea of freedom and what America was founded upon. We, as a constitutional republic, are an amazing experiment. We left the British Empire to have a shot at a new way of life. We left so we wouldn't be ruled over. We wanted a limited governance. We wanted freedom, but to what end?
Freedom is how we get to explore our very being. A government that taxes small businesses for straws, or redistributes wealth is not freedom. It's how a state inflates its own power. Freedom means the possibility of making mistakes. In America, those mistakes are ours to make, ands these mistakes make us who we are.
The Clown World we live in involves a flipped upside-down world, where we ignore the natural world. We think we are king of the jungle, but the Earth is almighty. We don't get to decide forces that were established millennia before we arrived here. The folks like Warren have no humility over our very state of being. We thrive off of adversity, pain, and suffering. We can't take that away from a human. They suffer in horror, as their life becomes padded by an eternal false mommy. Life is tough, and nobody can change the very nature of it. Our governance needs to be limited in order to allow us to be spiritually connected to our very existence. Maybe, we're at a point that is too comfortable. We lost the connection, and now we and are tumbling down the progressive abyss. We are in this clown world, because we are watching/agreeing to clowns. Most of us are too comfortable on the couch, eating Oreos, and watching these clowns perform juggling acts. We could learn a lot from nature, the ecosystem, and how wolves and deer get on. That's the real world.